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There is something exciting about being in an environment in which it's really cool to be smart

There is something exciting about being in an environment in which it's really cool to be smart Picture Quote #1

There is something exciting about being in an environment in which it's really cool to be smart

Freeman A. Hrabowski III, the president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, is a strong advocate for creating an environment in which it is cool to be smart. Hrabowski believes that intelligence should be celebrated and that students should be encouraged to embrace their academic abilities. He has worked tirelessly to foster a culture of academic excellence at UMBC, and his efforts have paid off in the form of increased student achievement and success.

There is something undeniably exciting about being in an environment in which it is cool to be smart. When students are encouraged to excel academically and are surrounded by peers who value intelligence, they are more likely to push themselves to reach their full potential. This creates a positive feedback loop in which students inspire each other to work harder and achieve greater success.

Hrabowski's emphasis on the importance of intelligence has had a profound impact on the UMBC community. Students at the university are proud to be known for their academic achievements, and they strive to excel in their studies. This has led to a culture of high achievement at UMBC, with students consistently performing well in their classes and going on to successful careers after graduation.
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