Robert Dallek Quotes

Text Quotes
The institution of the presidency was profoundly affected by Watergate (Robert Dallek Quotes)
If nobody trusts you as president, then you can’t get anything done (Robert Dallek Quotes)
My feeling is that it’s a misreading of history to say that, as the Reagan supporters do, that Reagan won the Cold War. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
F.D.R. had an economic crisis of unprecedented proportions in 1933 when he drove 15 major bills through the Congress, and super majorities in the House and the Senate in 1935 when he won passage of Social Security. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
Dwight Eisenhower, the Republican nominee in 1952, made a strong public commitment to ending the war in Korea, where fighting had reached a stalemate. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
Presidents are not only the country’s principal policy chief, shaping the nation’s domestic and foreign agendas, but also the most visible example of our values. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
What makes war interesting for Americans is that we don’t fight war on our soil, we don’t have direct experience of it, so there’s an openness about the meanings we give to it. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
Foreign policy - dealing as it does with the most charged political subjects of all, the safety and dignity of the nation - will always be political terrain particularly vulnerable to distortion and demagoguery. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
For style and for creating a mood of optimism and hope - Kennedy on that count is as effective as any president the country has had in its history. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
The Atlantic conference in the North Atlantic off Newfoundland is a dramatic moment in World War II history because for the first time, Roosevelt and Churchill are meeting face to face in this war. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
Kennedy saw the presidency as the vital center of government, and a president’s primary goal as galvanizing commitments to constructive change. He aimed to move the country and the world toward a more peaceful future, not just through legislation but through inspiration. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
Theodore Roosevelt had drawn public attention to his attractive family in order to create a bond with ordinary Americans. Eleanor Roosevelt had successfully broached the idea that a First Lady could be nearly as much a public figure as her husband. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
The Cold War is over. The kind of authority that the presidents asserted during the Cold War has now been diminished. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage is hardly as consequential as Johnson’s legislative success on civil rights. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
To be sure, hunters and sportsmen back gun rights. Beyond that, there are millions who see guns as a defense against fear - fear of criminals breaking into their homes or assaulting them on city streets. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
Success in past U.S. conflicts has not been strictly the result of military leadership but rather the judgment of the president in choosing generals and setting broad strategy. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
William Henry Harrison, who died of pneumonia in April of 1841, after only one month in office, was the first Chief Executive to hide his physical frailties. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
John Kennedy had so many different medical problems that began when he was a boy. He started out with intestinal problems... spastic colitis. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
The rise of the Tea Party, along with the emergence of Christine O’Donnell in Delaware, Sharron Angle in Nevada, Carl Paladino in New York and Ron Paul in Kentucky, is not the first time in American history that voters have responded to hard economic times by supporting angry, unorthodox Senate and gubernatorial candidates. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
The lifelong health problems of John F. Kennedy constitute one of the best-kept secrets of recent U.S. history - no surprise, because if the extent of those problems had been revealed while he was alive, his presidential ambitions would likely have been dashed. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
During the 1937 congressional election campaign, Johnson’s group probably paid $5,000 to Elliott Roosevelt, one of Franklin Roosevelt’s sons, for a telegram in which Elliott suggested that the Roosevelt family favored Lyndon Johnson. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
There is a line between scurrilous nonsense and serious discussion that laps over, especially in this day and age when you’ve got all this electronic media and these blogs and this kind of fanatical impulse to bring down the opposing candidate. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
For those of us who cry out for gun control, our fears cannot be eliminated as long as the country remains an armed camp in which the most troubled among us can find ways to appropriate one of the easily available weapons in all our communities. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
As for Vietnam, what matters is that Kennedy successfully resisted pressure to send anything more than military advisers, a stance that was a likely prelude to complete withdrawal from the conflict. There is solid evidence of his eagerness to end America’s military role in that country’s civil war. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
At the end of their first years, there are few people who would have predicted that Truman would be elected in 1948 or that Reagan would get a second term. It’s always premature to make some kind of categorical judgment after the first year in office. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
Every year since 1990, the Gallup poll has asked Americans to assess all the presidents since John F. Kennedy. And every year, Kennedy comes out on top. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
The nation should be able to remove by an orderly constitutional process any president with an unyielding commitment to failed policies and an inability to renew the country’s hope. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
Public scandals are America’s favorite parlor sport. Learning about the flaws and misdeeds of the rich and famous seems to satisfy our egalitarian yearnings. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
In his State of the Union speech in January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt declared America’s commitment to Four Freedoms in the struggle against Nazi totalitarianism. Among them was the freedom from fear. (Robert Dallek Quotes)
Full federal funding for presidential libraries should bring with it new rules of control over papers and artifacts. (Robert Dallek Quotes)