I never knew how much love my heart could hold, until someone called me mommy

I never knew how much love my heart could hold, until someone called me mommy
Being a mom is a truly transformative experience. It is a role that comes with immense responsibility, but also with immeasurable love and joy. The quote “I never knew how much love my heart could hold, until someone called me mommy” perfectly encapsulates the depth of emotions that come with being a mother.Before becoming a mom, you may have thought you knew what love was. You may have experienced love for your partner, your family, your friends, and even your pets. But the love that a mother feels for her child is unlike any other. It is a love that is unconditional, unwavering, and all-encompassing. It is a love that fills your heart to the brim and overflows into every aspect of your life.
When you first hold your child in your arms, you are overcome with a sense of wonder and awe. You are amazed by the tiny, perfect being that you have brought into the world. And as you watch your child grow and develop, your love only deepens. You find yourself willing to do anything and everything to ensure their happiness and well-being. You sacrifice your own needs and desires without a second thought, because their happiness is your top priority.
Being a mom is not always easy. There are sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and countless tantrums to contend with. There are moments of frustration, exhaustion, and doubt. But through it all, the love you feel for your child sustains you. It gives you the strength and resilience to face whatever challenges come your way.
As a mom, you experience a love that is both fierce and tender. It is a love that knows no bounds and transcends all obstacles. It is a love that changes you in ways you never thought possible. And it is a love that will stay with you for a lifetime. So, when someone calls you mommy, remember that it is a title that comes with a love like no other.