Hudson Taylor Quotes

Text Quotes
God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on him (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
Learn to move man, through God, by prayer alone (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
One difficulty follows another very fast - but God reigns, not chance (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
Christ is either Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
The Lord IS my shepherd. Not was, not may be, nor will be. . . is my shepherd on Sunday, is on Monday, and is through every day of the week; is in January, is in December, and every month of the year, is at home, and is in China; is in peace, and is in war; in abundance, and in penury. (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
It is always helpful to us to fix our attention on the God-ward aspect of Christian work; to realise that the work of God does not mean so much man’s work for God, as God’s own work through man. (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
We have heard of many people who trusted God too little, but have you ever heard of anyone who trusted Him too much? (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
All our difficulties are only platforms for the manifestations of His grace, power and love (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
All God’s giants have been weak men and women who have gotten hold of God’s faithfulness (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help Him to do His work through me. (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
While salvation is a free gift, the ‘winning Christ’ can only be through unreserved consecration and unquestioning obedience. Nor is this a hardship, but the highest privilege. (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
The good works of the unsaved may indeed benefit their fellow-creatures; but until life in Christ has been received, they cannot please God. (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
God is not looking for men of great faith, He is looking for common men to trust His great faithfulness. (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
We sometimes hear the argument, ‘All the world’ thinks this, or does that, given as a reason for our doing likewise; but that is an argument that should have no weight with the Christian, who is commanded not to be conformed to the world. (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
The hardest part of a missionary career is to maintain regular, prayerful Bible study. Satan will always find you something to do, when you ought to be occupied about that - if it is only arranging a window blind! (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
Do not have your concert first, and then tune your instrument afterwards. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer, and get first of all into harmony with Him (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and might things which thou knowest not (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
Let us never forget that what we are is more important than what we do (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
When I cannot read, when I cannot think, when I cannot even pray, I can trust (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
We are not only to renounce evil, but to manifest the truth. We tell people the world is vain; let our lives manifest that it is so. We tell them that our home is above and that all these things are transitory. Does our dwelling look like it? O to live consistent lives! (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
I have seen many men work without praying, though I have never seen any good come out of it; but I have never seen a man pray without working (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
As a rule, prayer is answered and funds come in, but if we are kept waiting, the spiritual blessing that is the outcome is far mar precious than exemption from the trial (Hudson Taylor Quotes)
It is not so much the greatness of our troubles, as the littleness of our spirit, which makes us complain (Hudson Taylor Quotes)