Hard Work Quotes

Text Quotes
There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs (Hard Work Quotes)
Be so good they can't ignore you (Hard Work Quotes)
Be thankful for what you have. Work hard for what you don't have (Hard Work Quotes)
Don't wish for it, work for it (Hard Work Quotes)
Be patient. Good things will come to those who wait and continue to work hard (Hard Work Quotes)
Believe when others doubt. Work when others refuse. Stay when others quit and you will win when others lose (Hard Work Quotes)
If it's not hard you're not dreaming big enough (Hard Work Quotes)
Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted (Hard Work Quotes)
You only get out what you put in. Don't expect more until you do more (Hard Work Quotes)
A dream doesn't become reality through magic. it takes sweat, determination and hard work (Hard Work Quotes)
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. (Hard Work Quotes)
To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it (Hard Work Quotes)
If you don't have what you want work harder (Hard Work Quotes)
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary (Hard Work Quotes)
Work hard in silence. Let success make the noise (Hard Work Quotes)
Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now (Hard Work Quotes)
God lends a helping hand to the man who tries hard (Hard Work Quotes)
you don't always get what you wish for, you get what you work for (Hard Work Quotes)
I never dreamed about success, I worked for it (Hard Work Quotes)
By working hard, you get to play hard guilt free (Hard Work Quotes)
Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can do what others can't (Hard Work Quotes)
Love yourself enough to work harder (Hard Work Quotes)
Work so hard that one day your signature will be called an autograph (Hard Work Quotes)
The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones (Hard Work Quotes)
The grass is greener where you water it (Hard Work Quotes)
Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all (Hard Work Quotes)
An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox. (Hard Work Quotes)
Tell me I can't, then watch me work twice as hard to prove I can (Hard Work Quotes)
Sweat today. Smile tomorrow (Hard Work Quotes)
Hard work pays off (Hard Work Quotes)