Hard Reality Quotes

Text Quotes
Effort and hard work construct the bridge that connects your dreams to reality (Hard Reality Quotes)
It is always hard when reality intrudes on belief (Hard Reality Quotes)
If you try hard enough, you can bend the spoon; you can shift reality (Hard Reality Quotes)
But when I play, I still practice hard and focus on my game (Hard Reality Quotes)
It’s hard for me to just practice without writing something (Hard Reality Quotes)
Like I said, repetition in practice and hard work (Hard Reality Quotes)
Perhaps someday you can have one city as easy to see as illusions and as hard to forget as reality (Hard Reality Quotes)
Dreams have a hard time surviving when confronted with reality (Hard Reality Quotes)
Reality is easy. It’s deception that’s the hard work. (Hard Reality Quotes)
Once I finished reading a good book, it gives me a hard time coping up with reality (Hard Reality Quotes)
In reality, most of America’s poor work hard, often in two or more jobs (Hard Reality Quotes)
You might not feel good, and you might not want to practice, but you still go out there and practice as hard as you can. (Hard Reality Quotes)
Walking in ignorance is a choice for those who find reality too hard to face (Hard Reality Quotes)
It was very hard for me to practice and enjoy my tennis, and I didn’t know the why, so I worked with psychologists to try and see what was happening. They pushed me really hard. (Hard Reality Quotes)
The reality is I meet a lot of actresses. They’re wonderful, beautiful ladies. It’s pretty hard to stay away from them. You know, there’s worse problems to have. (Hard Reality Quotes)
We’ve heard from people all around the world, telling us that this is their reality. People need a way to connect the sometimes really hard reality in which they wake up each morning with the movement of the Spirit. (Hard Reality Quotes)
I’m interested in how innocence fares when it collides with hard reality (Hard Reality Quotes)
Many investors seem to have forgotten a hard reality: There are frequent periods when stock markets don’t do much. (Hard Reality Quotes)
We are now at the point in the age of global warming hysteria where the IPCC global warming theory has crashed into the hard reality of observations. (Hard Reality Quotes)
With determination, discipline and hard work all dreams become a reality (Hard Reality Quotes)
It’s hard to do a reality show when there’s so much crying and drama (Hard Reality Quotes)
In reality, there is, perhaps, no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride (Hard Reality Quotes)
Seeing reality for what it is is what we call discernment. The work of discernment is very hard. (Hard Reality Quotes)
Reality is nourishment, but people don’t believe it, I guess it’s hard to stomach the truth like a bulimic. (Hard Reality Quotes)
But then there is the one who seems to have a hard time separating the actor’s work from reality. (Hard Reality Quotes)
How hard it is, sometimes, to trust the evidence of one’s senses! How reluctantly the mind consents to reality. (Hard Reality Quotes)
We don’t realize how much we create reality through language. If we say that life is hard, it will be hard. (Hard Reality Quotes)
What I’m saying is that I tried very hard to give them my reality and my reality is kind of interesting. (Hard Reality Quotes)
It’s hard to tell the difference between sea and sky, between voyager and sea. Between reality and the workings of the heart. (Hard Reality Quotes)
We live in a culture that has a real hard time distinguishing fiction from reality. Even when they’re told something is fiction. (Hard Reality Quotes)