Greatness Of People Quotes
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Text Quotes
I’ve always known the greatness of black people (Greatness Of People Quotes)
The less people speak of their greatness, the more we think of it (Greatness Of People Quotes)
None, but people of strong passion are capable of rising to greatness (Greatness Of People Quotes)
You treat people with greatness and greatness will come back to you (Greatness Of People Quotes)
There’s a greatness in not caring what people think (Greatness Of People Quotes)
When your silent, people recognize your greatness (Greatness Of People Quotes)
I am one of the people who love the why of things (Greatness Of People Quotes)
A lot of great people come to Facebook. In our business, we’re about how do we help connect our companies to great people across all levels. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
I still have a great deal of faith in our political system and a great deal of faith in the American people and voter. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Every day, people settle for less than they deserve. They are only partially living or at best living a partial life. Every human being has the potential for greatness. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Choose to be in close proximity to people who are empowering...wh o see the greatness in you! (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Everybody in America has to be part of a shared sacrifice to create opportunity for greatness again for our people and our country. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Some people are destined for greatness; others fall up a hill to get there (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Those two wholesome defects of the French people, malice and curiosity, both of which are essential to its greatness. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Greatness brings no profit to people. God indeed, when in anger, brings greater ruin to great mens houses. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
A lot of people have great hope, and a lot of people who have great hope live. And, some of them who have great hope die. So it’s not that hope is going to save you. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
The seeds of greatness are ideas you learn from people who’ve been great in their service to others. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Twitter’s a great way to tell people across the world what I care about and, hopefully, motivate them to join me in furthering my causes. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
America’s greatness has been the greatness of a free people who shared certain moral commitments. Freedom without moral commitment is aimless and promptly self-destructive. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Those who truly want greatness must surround themselves with people even greater than they are (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Not being virulently and overtly racist against black people and treating gay people like human beings are necessary conditions of greatness. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
My personal interest in ordinary people is unlimited, but I am fascinated by the challenge of portraying true greatness adequately with my camera. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Greatness is in influence, and not necessarily in affluence. It is not achieved by being a ‘paper millionaire’, but by being a ‘people millionaire’. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Who do you want to surround yourself with? People who can pull you up to their level of greatness? Or people who will happily pull you down to theirs? (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Spaghetti is good with ranch, and spaghetti is good with sugar. You put all of that together and make a sandwich out of it and you get greatness. People shouldn’t judge unless they try it. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
I just have a great life. I know great people. I’ve had great relationships - all different kinds of relationships. (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Some people chase money. Some people chase fame. Some chase greatness - and that’s what I’m trying to do (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Powerful dictatorships that make their leaders powerful need to stage wars to get ordinary people to march in lockstep like mindless Nazi robots. That is the road to Greatness (Greatness Of People Quotes)
Our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here, the people rule (Greatness Of People Quotes)
People don't really have a relationship with great writing or great production or great art direction or great direction. They just sort of admire it (Greatness Of People Quotes)
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