Democracy Freedom Quotes

Text Quotes
I greet you all in the name of peace, democracy and freedom for all (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
A single party is ruling in Hungary, but democracy and the freedom of speech are still in place (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Democracy evolves where freedom is able to determine its own policy (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Liberty, freedom and democracy are very fuzzy words, but human rights is very specific (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
I have said democracy and freedom do not work too well if you are hungry, if you are starving (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Ultimately, freedom and democracy are stronger than fear and tyranny (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
It takes a long time to build democracy, to build freedom (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Life in freedom is not easy, and democracy is not perfect (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
The most important things to be acquired for freedom and democracy, are identity and dignity (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Democracy is constructed like an edifice, freedom by freedom, right by right, until it reaches its snapping point. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
The freedom movement is built around the principle of democracy and universality of freedom (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
The problem of the world today is the people talk on and on about democracy, freedom, justice. But I don’t give a damn about democracy if I am worried about survival. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Just the concept of personal freedom within a democracy, for instance, is a relatively young idea - only about 300 years old in this country. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
America’s greatest contribution to the world is its concept of democracy, its concept of freedom, freedom of action, freedom of speech, and freedom of thought. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
America’s Veterans have served their country with the belief that democracy and freedom are ideals to be upheld around the world. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
If a jerk burns the flag, America is not threatened, democracy is not under siege, freedom is not at risk. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Equality is the heart and essence of democracy, freedom, and justice, equality of opportunity in industry, in labor unions, schools and colleges, government, politics, and before the law. There must be no dual standards of justice, no dual rights, privileges, duties, or responsibilities of citizenship. No dual forms of freedom (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
The closer Iraq approaches freedom and democracy, the more impediments and barriers the terrorists will erect. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
We can enhance democracy by making it in line with its original vision. Read the dollar bill - E pluribus unum, out of many, one; novus ordo seclorum, a new order of the ages. That’s democracy (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
We will not fail your expectations of us as a new nation dedicated to peace, democracy, and freedom. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
I regard freedom of expression as the primary right without which one can not have a proper functioning democracy. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Freedom, democracy, and socialism can only ever exist together; it is impossible to have any one without the other two. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
For our democracy has been marred by imperialism, and it has been enlightened only by individual and sporadic efforts at freedom. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Poverty in a democracy is as much to be preferred to what is called prosperity under despots, as freedom is to slavery. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
The words democracy, socialism, freedom, patriotic, realistic, justice have each of them several different meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
There should be competition and exchanges between different countries, but there are certainly certain universal values, and that is freedom and democracy. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Democracy’s my idea. I do not agree with communists, my acts prove. Free press in Cuba - free ideas, freedom religion belief. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Democracy will be transformative. It will help other societies realize the benefits of freedom. Nothing’s as big as that, in terms of peace. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)
Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect, but we have never had to put up a wall to keep our people in. (Democracy Freedom Quotes)