Betty Friedan Quotes

Text Quotes
Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength (Betty Friedan Quotes)
Being Jewish, you didn’t get into a sorority. So I really was much more outgoing and gregarious. I really didn’t want to spend an Emily Dickinson adolescence reading poetry on gravestones, which I did. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
When I was in high school, even in college, I didn’t have any real image of a career woman or a professional woman (Betty Friedan Quotes)
There’s no question that the black middle class has benefited greatly by the civil rights movement. But there is a large black underclass that does not have access to jobs. If there’s no clear road to income and status except crime, we should expect social problems. You can’t solve this problem without addressing the economic issues, and the same is true with gender (Betty Friedan Quotes)
The new mystique is that women can have it all. There’s a whole new generation of women today, flogging themselves to compete for success according to the male model - in a work world structured for men with wives to handle the details of life (Betty Friedan Quotes)
Aging is not ‘lost youth,’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength. It’s a different stage of life, and if you are going to pretend it’s youth, you are going to miss it. You are going to miss the surprises, the possibilities, and the evolution that we are just beginning to know about because there are no role models, no guideposts, and no signs (Betty Friedan Quotes)
The key to the trap is, of course, education. The feminine mystique has made higher education for women seem suspect, unnecessary and even dangerous. But I think that education, and only education, has saved, and can continue to save, American women from the greater dangers of the feminine mystique (Betty Friedan Quotes)
The feminists had destroyed the old image of woman, but they could not erase the hostility, the prejudice, the discrimination that still remained (Betty Friedan Quotes)
Man is not the enemy here, but the fellow victim (Betty Friedan Quotes)
Advice? I don’t offer advice. Not my business. Your life is what you make it. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
I would have much rather been in the jalopy with the kids, going to Hunt’s for hamburgers. But, when I entered high school, all my friends got into sororities and fraternities and I didn’t. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
I love newspapers. I’ve worked on newspapers, all my life. I’ve always loved it. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
American women were frustrated in just the role of housewife - but they also managed to enlarge it. And they weren’t just housewives, they were community leaders. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
Neither woman nor man lives by work, or love, alone ... The human self defines itself and grows through love and work: All psychology before and after Freud boils down to that. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
The situation of women and men is not comparable to worker-boss or black and white (Betty Friedan Quotes)
It was the era that I later analyzed, the feminine mystique era, [when] career woman was a dirty word. And so I didn’t want a career anymore. [But] I had to do something. So I started freelancing for women’s magazines. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
When [the] life span of America women is approaching eighty years having kids is not going to take it up. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
The real joke that history played on American women is not the one that makes people snigger, with cheap Freudian sophistication, at the dead feminists. It is the joke that Freudian thought played on living women, twisting the memory of the feminists into the man-eating phantom of the feminine mystique, shriveling the very wish to be more than just a wife and mother. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
We broke through the feminine mystique and women who were wives, mothers and housewives began to find themselves as people. That didn’t mean they stopped, or had to stop, being mothers, wives or even liking their homes. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
I realized that what I was saying was threatening, somehow, to the editors of women’s magazines. That it threatened the very world they were trying to paint, what I then called the feminine mystique. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
Men are not the enemy, but the fellow victims. The real enemy is women’s denigration of themselves. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
Most of the people in the workforce today will spend some years when they also have children and family responsibilities. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
If divorce has increased by one thousand percent, don’t blame the women’s movement. Blame the obsolete sex roles on which our marriages were based. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
It is easier to live life through someone else than to become complete yourself (Betty Friedan Quotes)
This idea that the employment of women, the movement of women outside the home into the work world, and their demand for equality is somehow responsible for increasing juvenile delinquency or the increase in divorce rate, is just so much bullshit. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
While I had been, I guess, quite brilliant, academically, in my college years, I also had been editor of the paper, and I loved that. And, that was a much more active thing. And I missed it when I was doing graduate work. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
Each woman is made to feel it is her own cross to bear if she can’t be the perfect clone of the male superman and the perfect clone of the feminine mystique. (Betty Friedan Quotes)
Aging will create the music of the coming century (Betty Friedan Quotes)
It is easier to live through someone else than to become complete yourself (Betty Friedan Quotes)
No woman gets an orgasm from shining the kitchen floor (Betty Friedan Quotes)