Aspire To Quotes

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Books showed me there were possibilities in life, that there were actually people like me living in a world I could not only aspire to but attain. Reading gave me hope. For me, it was the open door (Aspire To Quotes)
The dandy should aspire to be uninterruptedly sublime. He should live and sleep in front of a mirror (Aspire To Quotes)
I think that we all have to have that rite of passage of dating the tortured artist who seems cooler than we think we are; we aspire to be like them, and we’re excited that somebody is turning us on to new music or a new lifestyle (Aspire To Quotes)
I always aspire to that, where it feels like the film was made by the characters as opposed to the filmmakers. I try to be invisible (Aspire To Quotes)
Why would anyone want to be called a size zero or even aspire to being a zero? I don’t even understand the thinking behind it, let alone the practicalities. What is all that about? (Aspire To Quotes)
I became a feminist because I wanted to help my daughters, other women and myself aspire to something more than a place behind a good man (Aspire To Quotes)
The pleasure of the senses is always regulated in accordance with the imagination. Man can aspire to felicity only by serving all the whims of his imagination (Aspire To Quotes)
I think that I just wasn’t brought up under any rules, and I think that made me a little different and people wanted to look up to that or aspire to that, and that makes me very grateful (Aspire To Quotes)
When I make music, I try to make something that is super colorful and something you’ve never heard before, so when you hear the whole album, it’s a good feeling. Musically that’s what I aspire to do whenever I’m making an album (Aspire To Quotes)
Many people genuinely do not want to be saints, and it is probable that some who achieve or aspire to sainthood have never felt much temptation to be human beings (Aspire To Quotes)
There’s a lot of integrity with musicians; you really still aspire to grow, and be great, to be the best version of yourself you can be (Aspire To Quotes)
True terror is a language and a vision. There is a deep narrative structure to terrorist acts, and they infiltrate and alter consciousness in ways that writers used to aspire to (Aspire To Quotes)
I think that enduring, committed love between a married couple, along with raising children, is the most noble act anyone can aspire to. It is not written about very much (Aspire To Quotes)
Sacrifice is a part of life. It’s supposed to be. It’s not something to regret. It’s something to aspire to. Little sacrifices. Big sacrifices. A mother works so her son can go to school. A daughter moves home to take care of her sick father (Aspire To Quotes)
People love their favorite records. And I aspire to make a record someone might be able to love in that way (Aspire To Quotes)
Because society places a value on masculinity, gay men aspire to it. If you go to a gay club and the doorman says, ‘You do realise this is a gay club, don’t you lads?’ you get all excited because you think, ‘Wow, he thought I was straight!’ (Aspire To Quotes)
In books I have traveled, not only to other worlds but into my own. I learned who I was and who I wanted to be, what I might aspire to, and what I might dare to dream about my world and myself (Aspire To Quotes)
Accepting all the good and bad about someone. It’s a great thing to aspire to. The hard part is actually doing it (Aspire To Quotes)
We ought, so far as it lies within our power, to aspire to immortality, and do all that we can to live in conformity with the highest that is within us; for even if it is small in quantity, in power and preciousness, it far excels all the rest (Aspire To Quotes)
It is within the power of every man to live his life nobly, but of no man to live forever. Yet so many of us hope that life will go on forever, and so few aspire to live nobly (Aspire To Quotes)
Think, in mounting higher, the angels would press on us, and aspire to drop some golden orb of perfect song into our deep, dear silence (Aspire To Quotes)
That the sky is brighter than the earth means little unless the earth itself is appreciated and enjoyed. Its beauty loved gives the right to aspire to the radiance of the sunrise and sunset (Aspire To Quotes)
Home is home even for those who aspire to serve wider interests and who have established their home of choice in distant regions (Aspire To Quotes)
I came to the conclusion that we should aspire to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness in order to better understand what questions to ask. Really, the only thing that makes sense is to strive for greater collective enlightenment (Aspire To Quotes)
We must help the child to act for himself, will for himself, think for himself; this is the art of those who aspire to serve the spirit (Aspire To Quotes)
If all art aspires to the condition of music, all the sciences aspire to the condition of mathematics (Aspire To Quotes)
We have to ask ourselves if we have become so focused on supporting personal choices that we’re failing to encourage women to aspire to leadership (Aspire To Quotes)
Vow to be valiant. Resolve to be radiant. Determine to be dynamic. Strive to be sincere. Aspire to be attuned (Aspire To Quotes)
In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, because passing civilization along from one generation to the next ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone could have (Aspire To Quotes)
A magnificent cause can overcome a prickly personality, but your ability to enchant people increases if they like you, so you should aspire to both. You’ll know that you’re likeable when you can communicate freely, casually, and comfortably with people (Aspire To Quotes)